⚙️Utilizing Saved Replies in OmniChat

📚 Learn how to efficiently use saved replies in OmniChat. Discover how to quickly access and insert pre-written messages, streamline communication, and integrate Dialogflow Intents into your saved replies list.

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Table of contents

In this guide, we’ll explore how to use saved replies, also known as canned messages, to streamline your communication process in OmniChat. Learn how to quickly access and utilize these pre-written messages to enhance your efficiency.

More settings #

Saved replies #

Saved replies, also known as canned messages, refer to a collection of pre-written messages that agents can quickly access and employ in the chat editor.

  • Saved replies can be printed by typing # followed by the saved reply name, plus a space.
  • The saved replies pop-up can be opened by typing ##.
  • Use \n to do a line break.
  • If you are using the Dialogflow chatbot, the saved replies panel search will include results from Dialogflow Intents.
  • You have the option to add all Dialogflow Intents to the saved replies list by using the setting at Settings > Artificial Intelligence > Google > Add Intents to saved replies.

For more details, you can ask the AI here.

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