🎟️ Enabling and Displaying the Tickets Area in OmniChat

📚 This tutorial explains how to display the tickets area by including a specific script in your page. Learn to integrate the cloud chat script or use a simple code snippet to enable tickets.

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Learn how to display the Tickets area in OmniChat by embedding the appropriate cloud chat script into your page. Use the &mode=tickets attribute or the SB_TICKETS = true; JavaScript code to ensure the tickets interface is visible alongside your chat.

To display the tickets area include the cloud chat script into your page and add the attribute &mode=tickets to the script URL, e.g. <script id=”chat-init” src=”https://omnichat.planifyx.com/account/js/init.js?id=65895623&mode=tickets”></script>. You can show the tickets area also by inserting the code <script>SB_TICKETS = true;</script> into any page showing the chat.

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