💳 Setting up Mercado Pago as a payment method

📚 Easily integrate Mercado Pago with your platform by setting up the Public Key, Access Token, and Webhook Secret Key. Learn where to find these in your Mercado Pago account and how to configure the required Webhook events for a seamless payment experience.

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Mercado Pago is a widely-used payment gateway in Latin America, offering fast and secure online transactions. You can integrate Mercado Pago to process payments for your subscriptions. In this tutorial, we’ll guide you through the steps to do it.

Log into Your Mercado Pago Account. Visit Mercado Pago’s developer portal. Log in using your business account credentials.  Navigate to Your business > Settings > Integrations > Credentials.

Create an application. You will be redirected to the App Creation page to do it. Applications are different integrations contained within one or more Mercado Pago stores. You can create an application for each solution you implement in order to keep everything organized and have better management control.

Configure the details. Enter a name to identify your application (limit of 50 characters). As the payment solution to integrate, select Online Payments. Then, indicate that you are not using an e-commerce platform. As the product that you are integrating, select Subscriptions. Leave the integration model empty.

PRO TIP: El monto mínimo permitido para crear una suscripción en Mercado Pago es de $100.00 y el máximo de $200,000.00 Considera estos montos al armar tus planes.

Check the checkbox to authorize the use of your personal data and the I’m not a robot checkbox. Finally, click on Create application.  A new card containing the name, number, and quality status of the application will be automatically generated in the Developer dashboard.

Activate your production credentials. Production credentials are a set of keys that allow you to receive real payments on stores and other applications. To get them, click on the Activate Credentials button.

Provide your information. Indicate an Industry (we recommend selecting Others) and add your platform’s domain. Once again, check the I am not a robot and click on Enable Production Credentials.

Get your credentials. The Public Key and Access Token will be displayed. Copy them.

Setup the integration in your platform. Open it on a new tab and log into your admin account. Go to  Settings > Payment Gateways > Mercado Pago. Paste the Public Key and Access Token on the corresponding fields.

Copy the Webhook URL on the blue box below your access token. This URL is unique for your platform. Keep this tab open, we will need it.

Configure the Webhooks.  On a new tab, open Mercado Pago’s Developers Panel and go to My Integrations. Select the app you created before.

Go to Webhooks > Setting up notifications.

Activate the Productive Mode. On the Webhook Setup page, select Productive Mode. On Production URL, paste the Webhook URL you copied from your platform.

Under “Events to Monitor,” select:

  • Pagos (Payments)
  • Planes (Plans)
  • Suscripciones (Subscriptions)

Get the Secret Key. Click on Save Settings, and automatically, the Secret Key will be generated. Copy it.

Finish the Setup. Go back to your platform and paste the Secret Key on the corresponding field.
Finally, enable One-time payments and/or Recurring payments. Click on the Save button at the bottom of the page to keep your changes.

Confirm the integration. Your customers should now be able to find Mercado Pago listed as a payment method. You can purchase a plan to check that everything was integrated correctly.