⭐ Sending a Calendly Booking Invitation via OmniChat

📚 Discover how to send a Calendly booking invitation via OmniChat. Create an event type, copy the URL, and use OmniChat’s rich message button type to send customized invitations and confirmations.

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In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to send a Calendly booking invitation through OmniChat. We’ll guide you through creating an event type, sharing the URL, and setting up the invitation.

Follow the steps below to send a Calendly booking invitation.

  • To send the Calendly invitation, utilize the rich message button type. Ensure to enter the Calendly URL you copied in the previous step as the URL. Additionally, include the success attribute to customize the message that will be sent after the booking is successfully completed. E.g. [button link=”https://calendly.com/federicoschiocchet/sb” name=”Schedule a meeting” success=”Thank you! Your meeting has been scheduled.”]

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