🟩 Send Automated WhatsApp Message on WP Form Submission

📚 Learn how to send an automated WhatsApp message upon receiving a WP form submission using BotCommerce.

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Prerequisites: #

  • Ensure you have the WP Forms Pro version and the WP Forms Webhook add-on installed on your WordPress site.

  • Download the add-on from the WP Forms website and install it as a plugin on WordPress.


Create a WhatsApp Message Template #

  • Go to Bot Manager in BotCommerce.
  • Select the WhatsApp account and navigate to the Message Template section.

  • Use an existing approved message template for WP form submission.

Set Up Webhook Workflow #

  • Create a new webhook workflow.
  • Give a name to the workflow and select the WhatsApp account and the message template.

  • Click on the “Create Workflow” button and copy the webhook callback URL.


Create and Configure WP Form #

  • Go to WP Forms and create a new form by clicking on the “Add New” option.

  • Name your form and select a template.

  • Add a phone number field to the form (necessary for sending WhatsApp messages).

  • Go to settings and enable the webhook.

  • Paste the copied webhook URL in the request URL field.
  • Select “POST” as the request method.

  • Configure the request body with the necessary fields: name, email, phone number, and comment/message.
  • Save the form.


Map Webhook Response #

  • Submit example data on the WP form for mapping.

  • Go to BotCommerce and click on “Capture Webhook Response” to fetch the example raw data.

  • Map the webhook response, ensuring the phone number field is correctly mapped.
  • Create a formatter to trim the plus sign from the phone number (WhatsApp doesn’t accept phone numbers with a plus sign).
  • Save the workflow.


Test the Automation #

  • Fill out the WP form and submit it.

  • Check the workflow report in BotCommerce to ensure the campaign is successful.
  • Verify that the user receives an automated WhatsApp message.

That’s it! This is how you can send an automated WhatsApp message when you receive a WP form submission using BotCommerce.