Welcome to our tutorial on optimizing your Telegram bot’s functionality using OmniChat! In this guide, we’ll explore how OmniChat’s rich message capabilities seamlessly integrate with Telegram, offering you a smoother and more engaging user experience.
- OmniChat rich messages are automatically converted to Telegram rich messages when possible, otherwise they are removed from the message.
- Telegram conversations and messages are compatible with queue and routing.
- The chatbot is supported. The human takeover feature is supported.
- The supported AI features include language detetction, spelling correction, multilingual via translation, Google search.
- The follow-up message is supported, but the message is always sent, also if an agent replies.
- The offline message is supported, but the timetable is not sent.
- You can verify the webhook status from https://api.telegram.org/bot><your_bot_token>/getWebhookInfo. Replace <your_bot_token> with your token.