🛒 How to Verify a WooCommerce Cash on Delivery Order

📚 Learn how to verify a WooCommerce Cash on Delivery (COD) order by sending a WhatsApp message using BotCommerce. This step-by-step guide will walk you through the entire process.

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Ensuring the authenticity of Cash on Delivery orders is crucial for your WooCommerce store. This guide will walk you through the steps to verify these orders, helping you minimize risks and maintain a smooth operation.

Before you begin, ensure your WooCommerce store is integrated with BotCommerce.

To integrate, go to the Integration Menu in BotCommerce and follow the instructions.

If you need assistance with the integration, refer to a dedicated tutorial or video that explains how to integrate WooCommerce with BotCommerce.

After integration, navigate to the WhatsApp Bot Manager in BotCommerce.

Select the bot account you want to use.

Go to the Message Template section to create your message template.

You can either create a template manually or use the default templates provided by BotCommerce.

Click on the Create Default button to automatically generate four different templates with variables.

Once the templates are created, check their status by clicking the Check Status button.Ensure the message template is approved before using

Set Up WooCommerce COD Verification Automation:

Go to the WooCommerce and Shopify Automation section in BotCommerce.

Click on the Create button to start setting up the automation campaign for WooCommerce COD verification.

Fill out the form that appears:

      • Campaign Name: Give your campaign a descriptive name.
      • Store Type: Select WooCommerce.
      • Store API: Choose the API for your store.
      • Action: Select COD Verification as the action.

Message Delay: Set the delay for sending the message (default is 15 minutes).

The appropriate message template will be automatically selected based on the action.

This template typically includes two buttons: one for confirming the order and another for canceling it.

Each button’s post-back actions and notes will be pre-configured.

Assign Labels and Sequences:

If needed, you can assign a label and sequence to the user.

Click on the Form Field to select the desired label and sequence for your campaign.

Save and Test the Campaign:

Once all settings are configured, save the campaign.

To test the setup, place a COD order on your WooCommerce store.

BotCommerce will automatically send a WhatsApp message to the customer for order verification.

Verify the Process: Check the WhatsApp message sent by BotCommerce to see the order confirmation and cancellation options.

After the customer responds, verify that the order status in WooCommerce updates accordingly.

For example, if the customer cancels the order via WhatsApp, the order status in WooCommerce should reflect this.

If you encounter any issues during the setup or testing process, refer to BotCommerce’s support resources or contact their support team for assistance.