📩 How to Use the Pilvo Integration to send SMS notifications

📚 The Plivo SMS Integration allows you to send SMS notifications. In this article, you will learn how to use it.

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With the Plivo SMS integration you can connect our forms to Plivo SMS service to send SMS notifications. It allows you to:

  • Automatically send an SMS notification when a form is submitted
  • Send SMS notifications to multiple phone numbers
  • Control the SMS message

Set Up SMS Notifications

To Set Up a Form with SMS Notifications, you must perform the following steps:

  1. Go to the Add-ons Manager and click on Plivo SMS.
  2. Click on the Set Up a Form button.
  3. A form used to configure the SMS notification will appear:
    • Form: Select the form that will send notifications.
    • Status: Can be:
      • On: Enable notifications
      • Off: Disable notifications
    • Auth ID: Required. Api Credential.
    • Auth Token: Required. Api Credential.
    • From: An alphanumeric string giving your sender address. This is also called the SenderID.
    • To: A single phone number in international format, that is E.164. For example, 447700900000. You can set multiple recipients separated by commas.
    • Text Message: The SMS body.
  4. Click Create.