Bulk import hundreds or thousands of entries in minutes. There are no limits on the number of rows you can import. If you have a spreadsheet to import, this is the tool you must use.
- Works with any CSV!: Use any CSV that you want. Just choose which form you want to import the rows into.
- Import Exported Files From QuickForms: Take the CSV that QuickForms generates and import it to another site.
- Bulk Update of Existing Entries: Want to bulk update entries? It’s easy with our plugin. Export your entries from QuickForms, change some items, then re-import them.
- Download Import Errors to a CSV: If your import has errors, you can download a CSV that includes only the rows with errors. This allows you to easily correct errors (like badly-formatted emails) and re-import the entries.
- Advanced Validation: Avoid buggy or incomplete entries. Imported entries will only be created if they are valid.
- Conditional Logic: Use conditional logic to filter your imported Entries based on their values.
Steps to Import Submissions
To import submission, you must perform the following steps:
- Go to the Add-ons Manager and click on Import Submissions.
- Click on the Set Up a Form button.
- A form to configure the import will appear.
- Name: Enter a name for this import. Used to identify this configuration in the system.
- Form: Select the form to import entries.
- File: Select the CSV file.
- Validate: Can be:
- On: Enable validation
- Off: Disable validation
- Map Fields: It’s composed of:
- Form Field: Choose the form field.
- File Field: Choose the CSV column.
- Advanced Settings: It’s composed of:
- Conditions: Use this tool to filter the entries based on their values
- Notes: Administrative notes.
- Click Save
Finally, you will be redirected to a page that displays a progress bar. You can’t close this page until finish the import process. If everything goes well, you will see a success message. If something goes wrong you will get an alert message.