🤖 How to Use AI Reply in BotCommerce for WhatsApp and Telegram Chatbot

📚 Learn how to effectively use the new AI reply feature in BotCommerce for your WhatsApp and Telegram bots. This tutorial guides you through setting up AI replies and using them in your chatbots.

💡 PRO TIP: Click here to hire an expert to guide you in the step by step. Book a call now to learn all the tips and tricks for training your AI, or let us handle it all for you instead.

In this article you will learn how to use AI Reply in BotCommerce for WhatsApp and Telegram Chatbot:Access Bot Manager

  • Go to the Bot Manager from the BotCommerce dashboard.

  • Select the bot account for which you want to create the bot.

  • Select Bot Reply.


Create a Bot Flow #

  • Click on the Create button to go to the Visual Flow Builder.

  • Double-click on the Start Bot Flow to name your bot.


Add a Trigger #

  • Add a trigger and double-click on it.

    • Enter keywords that will trigger the bot, separating them by commas.


Add AI Component #

  • Drag the AI component from the dock menu.

    • Connect it with the Start Bot Flow.


Train the AI #

  • Double-click on the AI component.

    • Enter the training data to train the AI to respond accordingly.
    • Click on the OK button.

Add Image Reply #

  • Add an image reply after the AI component (optional).

    • Save the bot.

Test the Bot #

  • Send a message with any of the keywords to test the bot reply.

  • Verify that the AI generates a reply based on the training data.


Configure No Match Reply #

  • Use the AI reply for the no match bot reply.
  • Go to BotCommerce, select the action buttons, and then select No Match.

  • Remove the default text reply and drag the AI reply, connecting it with the Start Bot Flow.

  • Double-click to write the training data.

  • Click on the Save button.


Enable No Match Reply #

  • Go to Configuration and enable the no match reply.

  • Save the changes.


Verify No Match Reply #

    • Test the no match reply to ensure it works correctly.
    • The bot will answer any kind of queries, similar to how ChatGPT responds.

By using AI replies, you can enhance the capabilities of your WhatsApp and Telegram bots, making them more responsive and effective.