🟩 How to Use Action Buttons in a WhatsApp Chatbot

📚 Learn how to effectively use action buttons in a WhatsApp chatbot using BotCommerce. This tutorial will guide you through the available action buttons and how to set them up.

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Access Bot Manager #

  • From the BotCommerce dashboard, go to the WhatsApp Bot Manager.

  • Select the WhatsApp account you want to manage.


Navigate to Action Buttons #

    • Click on Action Buttons. You will see a list of default action buttons.


Configure No Match Action Button #

  • This button triggers when no keywords match. Click on No Match.

  • By default, it has a text reply. Edit it to suit your needs and save.

  • Enable the No Match Reply option in Configuration. Scroll down and click on Save Settings.


Test No Match Reply #

    • Check if the bot sends replies when no keywords match. This ensures the no match reply is working.


Unsubscribe and Resubscribe Buttons #

  • These buttons allow users to unsubscribe and resubscribe to the bot.
  • Edit the Unsubscribe template. Modify the text and add any additional replies, then save.

  • Similarly, edit the Resubscribe template to fit your business needs and save.


Add Action Buttons to a Bot #

    • Go to Bot Reply and edit a bot. Add an Interactive Element.
    • Enter the text and add a button. Configure the button by selecting Unsubscribe or any other action type and save.


Test Action Buttons on WhatsApp #

  • Check the bot live on WhatsApp to see if the action buttons work as intended.


Chat with Human and Chat with Robot Buttons #

    • Chat with Human: Users can request to chat with a human. Configure it by providing an email address in Configuration.
    • Chat with Robot: Allows users to resume bot replies.
    • Add these buttons in a similar way to other action buttons and save.


Confirm Order and Cancel Order Buttons #

    • Used for Shopify and WooCommerce integrations. These serve as simple button replies.

Test Notifications #

    • Ensure you receive email notifications when a user clicks on the Chat with Human button.

By following these steps, you can effectively use action buttons in your WhatsApp chatbot, enhancing user interaction and experience.