♻️ How to translate your app to any language

📚 In this article, you will learn how to translate the app to any language.

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You can translate your Whitelabel app to any language you wish so you can tailor it to your market. Follow these steps to do it.

Login to your admin account. To add a language, click on ‘Settings’ and then on ‘Language’.

The following screen will load.

Add a new language. Here, on the left-hand side, you’ll see the list of languages you have already loaded (if it’s your first time, only ‘English’ will appear by default). To add a new language, click on ‘Add new’ (you can also import it by clicking on ‘Import’). The following window will appear:

Configure the new language. Here you can establish if the new language will be active or not (1), if it will be the default language (2), the text orientation (3), the name (4), and the language code (5). Then, you should scroll down to the bottom of the page, and you’ll see the following:

Select a flag. Choose the flag of the language you’re adding, and at the bottom, you can choose the language for automatic translation by Google.
Save and translate. Finally, click on ‘Save’, and the new language will appear in the list of languages.

In this case, we have added Portuguese. Finally, to select the language and have the entire platform translated, click on the flag icon that appears in the top right corner of the platform next to the validity of your plan.

And you’ll see a dropdown list with the languages available on your platform. There, you select the language you added (in our case, Portuguese), and the page will reload, now in that language! Super easy, right?

Add the manual translation.


If you want to translate the entire platform yourself, you can do it without any issues. Just follow the steps detailed below.

Go to the Language Section.
Access Settings and then go to Language.

Select a language. You’ll see on the screen the list of languages available on your platform. There, you should click on the three dots next to the language and choose Translate.

A screen like this will load:

Modify the texts. You can manually change the translation on the same screen. You can use the search bar in the top right corner to help you.

💡 PRO TIP: It’s not necessary to translate every single word. Perhaps start with the most commonly used ones initially.

As you make changes, the system will autosave. Done! You’ve now translated your platform. Have you got any additional doubts, feel free to contact our Support Team. We will be glad to help you.