🟩 How to Set Up WhatsApp Cloud API to Create a WhatsApp Chatbot

📚 Discover how to connect your WhatsApp Business account with BotCommerce and set up a WhatsApp chatbot. This step-by-step guide will walk you through the entire process.

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Learn how to set up WhatsApp Cloud API to create a WhatsApp Chatbot by following the next steps:

Access the Facebook Developer Console: #

    • Click on “My Apps” and then “Create App.”
    • Select “Other” as the main use case and click “Next.”


    • Choose “Business” as the app type, name your app, and enter your Facebook account email.


Set Up the WhatsApp Integration: #

    • After creating the app, scroll down to find “WhatsApp” in the “Add Products” section, then click “Set Up.”
    • If you don’t have a Facebook Business account, select “Create a Business Account.” Otherwise, select your existing account.


Configure Webhooks: #

    • In the “Configure Webhooks” section, add the callback URL and verify the token from BotCommerce.
    • Go to BotCommerce, copy the webhook callback URL and the verify token, and paste them into the Facebook configuration.
    • Click “Verify and Save,” then subscribe to messages and click “Done.”


Add a Phone Number: #

    • Go to “Add Phone Number.” If you haven’t selected a business account, you’ll need to fill in your business details first.
    • Enter a legal business name, email, country, and website URL.
    • Create a WhatsApp Business profile by entering a display name that exactly matches your business name, select the time zone, and business category.


Verify the Phone Number: #

    • Enter a phone number without a WhatsApp account or migrate an existing number.
    • Choose a verification method, enter the code sent to your phone, and click “Next.”


Generate a System User Token: #

    • Go to “System Users” in the Facebook business settings and add a new system user.
    • Assign the role as admin, add the app you created, and allow full control.
    • Click on “Generate New Token” and select permissions like Business Management, Catalog Management, WhatsApp Business Messaging, and WhatsApp Business Management.
    • Copy the token and paste it into BotCommerce.


Connect Your WhatsApp Business Account: #

    • Obtain the business account ID from the WhatsApp accounts section and paste it into BotCommerce.
    • Click on “Connect” in BotCommerce to finalize the connection.
    • Your WhatsApp Business account is now connected to BotCommerce.


Test and Verify the Connection: #

    • Send a message from WhatsApp to the connected number. You should see the message appear in BotCommerce’s live chat.
    • You can now reply directly from BotCommerce, confirming the integration is successful.


Additional Settings: #

    • You can add a profile picture for your WhatsApp Business account by going to business.facebook.com, selecting “WhatsApp Manager,” and uploading a profile photo under “Settings” > “Profile.”


Next Steps: #

    • With your WhatsApp Business account connected to BotCommerce, you can now create bots, send sequence messages, broadcast to subscribers, and more.