🔗 How to set up the Bit.ly integration

📚 In this article you will learn how to link your Bit.ly account to use the app’s integration with Social Poster.

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The Bit.Ly Integration will allow your customers to shorten links directly on the Composer, saving them time and allowing them to share better looking URLs in their social media posts. Enabling it is quite easy. Just follow the steps below.

Register the App. First, you need to registering the OAuth application.Click this link to create the Bit.ly app: https://app.bitly.com/settings/api/oauth/
Fill in the fields. Then, fill the fields that will open as needed.

Application name (required): Please provide a unique name for your application. This value will be displayed to users when they authenticate to Bit.ly.
Application link (required): The URL of your application. This value will be displayed to users when they authenticate to Bit.ly. If your application link is a root domain or a directory (ie, a link that does not end in .html or .php), it must end with a forward slash. Example: http://your-app.com/
Redirect URIs (required): For multiple, enter one per line. Example:

– https://your-app.com/callback/
– http://dev.your-app.com/redirect.php
– https://yoursite.com/shortlink/bitly

Application description: 300 character max

Register the OAuth applications.

Finally, set up your app as shown in the image below.