📦 How to Send Shopify Order Notifications to Customer’s WhatsApp by BotCommerce Webhook Workflow

📚 Learn how to set up a webhook workflow in BotCommerce to send Shopify order notifications directly to your customer’s WhatsApp accounts.

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Learn how to send shopify order notifications to customer’s WhatsApp by BotCommerce Webhook Workflow:

Create a Message Template: #

  • Go to Bot Manager and select Message Template.

  • Click on the Create Template button.

  • Name your template and write the message body, incorporating necessary variables like total priceproduct list, and estimated delivery date.
  • Click the Save button and ensure the template is approved.


Set Up a Webhook Workflow: #

  • Go to Webhook Workflow and click on New Workflow.

  • Name your workflow and select the WhatsApp bot account from which you want to send the message.

  • Choose the message template you just created.

    • Click on the Create Workflow button to get a webhook callback URL.
    • Copy the URL.


Configure Shopify Webhook: #

  • Log in to your Shopify admin account.
  • Go to Settings > Notifications > Webhook.

  • Click on Create Webhook.

  • In the Event field, select Order Creation.

  • Set the format to JSON and paste the URL you copied from BotCommerce.

  • Click on the Save button.

Capture Webhook Response: #

  • Go back to BotCommerce and click on Capture Webhook Response.

  • Send a test notification from Shopify to capture the response in BotCommerce.

Map Webhook Response: #

  • Phone Number: Select the phone number under the shipping address.
  • Use formatters to remove the plus sign and dashes from the phone number.


  • Total Price: Select the total price variable.

  • Product List: Use line items for the product list variable.
  • Create a formatter to concatenate the product names with commas.

  • Estimated Delivery Date: Use the date of purchase and add the delivery time (e.g., 7 days).
  • Create a formatter to add the number of days to the purchase date.

Add Formatters: #

    • Trim Left: Remove the plus sign from the phone number.
    • Replace: Remove dashes from the phone number.
    • Concat List Items: Concatenate product names with commas.
    • Day Add: Add the number of days to the purchase date for estimated delivery.


Set Delay Time (Optional): #

  • Add delay time in minutes if you want to delay sending the message.


Add Conditions (Optional): #

  • Create rules to add conditions for sending messages if needed.


Save the Workflow: #

    • Click on the Save Workflow button.

Test the Integration: #

    • Make a purchase from the Shopify store to test the setup.
    • Check BotCommerce to see if the order is processed.
    • Verify that the order notification is received on WhatsApp.

This is how you can send Shopify order notifications to your customers’ WhatsApp accounts using BotCommerce.