📅 How to Manage Bookings

📚 In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to create and manage reservations, similar to managing appointments.

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Manage Booking #

In the reservations section, you can make and manage your reservations in a similar manner to creating appointments. Here are the steps to create and manage your reservations:

Create a New Bookings #

Access bookings: Go to the booking section.

Add New booking: Click on Add New bookings.

Fill in the Required Information:

  • Event Type: Select the type of event that will take place.
  • Clients: Add the clients who will attend the event.
  • Event Status: Specify the current status of your event (pending, approved, or rejected).

Save booking: Click Save to confirm the reservation.


View and Edit Booking History #

Access History: Once the reservation is saved, you can view the complete history of your past and upcoming reservations.

Edit bookings: Select any reservation from the history to edit it at any time, if needed.

You’re all set to manage your bookings efficiently!