🟩 How to install WeChat

📚 Learn how to integrate WeChat with OmniChat by registering your Service account, verifying it, and configuring settings. Follow the steps to ensure all WeChat messages are synced and visible in OmniChat.

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Welcome to our guide on integrating WeChat with OmniChat! This tutorial walks you through the steps to activate WeChat, register your Service account, and configure synchronization settings.

  • From Settings > Apps, click WeChat and activate the app.

  • Visit https://mp.weixin.qq.com/cgi-bin/readtemplate?t=register/step1_tmpl&lang=en_US and register a Service account.
  • After the registration enter Official accounts area and from the left menu click Settings and development > WeChat verification. You must complete the verification, it takes a few weeks and costs USD 99, or CNY 300 for chinese entities.
  • From the left menu click Settings and development > Basic configuration and copy Developer ID(App ID)Developer Password(App Secret). Paste the information into OmniChat > Settings > WeChat.

  • From the left menu click Settings and development > Basic configuration and complete the server configuration (服务器配置(已启用). In Server Address(URL) enter the URL you get from OmniChat > Settings > WeChat > Synchronization > Get configuration URL.

  • In Token insert any value you want, the same value must be entered in OmniChat > Settings > WeChat > Token.

  • You’re done. All messages sent to your WeChat account will appear in the conversation admin area of OmniChat. 

If you have additional doubts, remember that you can always contact us.