🔐 How to enable Google login for your users

📚 In this article you will learn how to enable Google login for the users of your app.

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You can set up Google as a login option for the users of your app. This will allow them to skip the sign up process and login directly with their Google profile, adding value by making the process faster and easier. Here are the steps to achieve this.

Creating a Google App #


In order to log in via Google, you need to create an application on the Google Developers Console and declare one or more valid URLs where your application is allowed to redirect users after successful Google login. The application will also supply you with a Client ID and a Password. Note that you can create one or more applications from each Google account.

The first step is to log into your Gmail account. Once you’ve done that, you can proceed to access the address: https://console.cloud.google.com/projectcreate

When you’re starting out, you won’t have any projects, so you’ll need to create one. Typically, it’s a good idea to give your project the same name as your website, although this isn’t mandatory.

Choose a User Type. You have the flexibility to choose the configuration and registration process that best fits your requirements for your app.

Then, provide the App information. The data you insert here will appear on the consent screen, which will help users understand who you are and how to contact you.

You must also provide an app domain & indicate how to contact the developer.

When you fill in all the basic info, you need to SAVE AND CONTINUE to go to the next step. Then, click on SAVE AND CONTINUE once again.

After login into your admin account, go to Settings > Login & Auth > Google login. Fill in Google client id & Google client secret.

Save, and you are done! If you have any additional doubts, feel free to contact our dedicated Support Team. We will be glad to help you.