📲 How to Create an Automated Bot Reply for WhatsApp

📚 This guide outlines the process for creating and configuring automated bot replies using the bot management tool available on the control panel.

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You’ll learn how to add and configure components within your bot’s flow, ensuring smooth and automated interactions with users.

  1. Accessing the Bot Manager:
    • In the left side menu of the dashboard, locate and select the ‘Bot Manager’ option.
    • Navigate to the ‘Bot Reply’ option.

    • In the upper right-hand corner, you will find a ‘Create’ button. Ensure you have selected the ‘Bot Reply’ option before proceeding.
  1. Building the Bot:
    • Drag and Drop Components: Start by dragging components from the ‘Top Menu’ and dropping them into the ‘Editor’ section.

  2. Adding Components to the Bot Flow: There are two alternative methods to add new components to the bot flow:
    • Drag a connector from the socket and release the cursor to find a list of components. Select the one you need to add.

    • Right-click in the editor to bring up a list of components and select one. Then, this component must be connected to the previous one.

    (Note: In this documentation, we have used a variety of approaches, different from these three methods, for creating bots)

  3. Configuring Components: Configure the components according to your requirements to personalize the replies and the interaction flow of the bot.
  4. Connecting Components: Establish connections between the components to create a functional flow and ensure coherent and automatic interaction.