🟩How to Create a WhatsApp Chat Widget and Use It on Websites

📚 Learn how to create a WhatsApp chat widget using BotCommerce and integrate it into your website to capture subscribers and enhance communication with your customers.

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Learn how to create a WhatsApp Chat Widget and use it on websites by following the next steps:

Access the WhatsApp Bot Manager: #

    • From the BotCommerce dashboard, go to “WhatsApp Bot Manager”.
    • Select the WhatsApp account for which you want to create the chat widget.


Create a Short Link: #

    • Click on “Short Link” and then on “Create”.
    • This will redirect you to the “Visual Flow Builder”. Here, you’ll see a bot flow with the “Start Bot Flow” and an action button.


Configure the Action Button: #

    • The action button corresponds to the chat widget settings.
    • Customize the chat box header and background colors.
    • Change the display name, welcome message, and pre-filled message if desired.
    • Choose the chat widget position on the webpage (default is bottom right).
    • Set whether the widget will be open or closed by default.
    • Adjust the widget’s position using the X and Y offset values.
    • Configure the delay time for the chat widget to appear after the website loads (0 to 60 seconds).


Customize the Widget Button: #

    • Modify the button text, background, text color, hover background color, and button size.
    • Enter a unique reference using only alphanumeric characters.


Assign Labels: #

    • Add labels to categorize subscribers who sign up through this chat widget.

Save the Settings: #

    • Click “OK” to save the chat widget settings.
    • Assign a name to the bot flow in the “Start Bot Flow”.


Add Replies to the Chat Widget: #

    • You can add any type of bot reply: text, image, audio, video, interactive, etc.
    • Add a simple text reply and connect it to the next reply.
    • For interactive replies, add buttons, text, or images as needed.


Save the Bot and Get the Embed Code: #

    • Once the bot is configured, click “Get Embed Code” to obtain the JavaScript code.
    • Use this code on your website to display the chat widget.


Test the Widget on the Website: #

    • Insert the code into your website and ensure the chat widget appears.
    • If needed, go back to “Short Link” in BotCommerce to edit the widget settings.


Review the Subscribers: #

    • Go to “Subscriber Manager” in BotCommerce to view users who subscribed through the chat widget.
    • Verify that the labels have been correctly assigned to the subscribers.