🔷 How to Create a Telegram Bot with This App

📚 Discover how to set up your own Telegram bot easily using this app. Follow this step-by-step guide to get started.

💡 PRO TIP: Click here to hire an expert to guide you in the step by step. Book a call now to learn all the tips and tricks for training your AI, or let us handle it all for you instead.

Open Telegram #

Launch the Telegram app on your device.

Search for BotFather #

Use the search bar to find BotFather, ensuring you select the official verified account.


Start with BotFather #

Upon finding BotFather, click on the START button that appears in the welcome message.


Create Your Bot #

After starting, select the /newbot option to begin creating your bot. Follow the instructions provided by BotFather to complete the process.