🤖 How to Create a Telegram Bot and Connect It to BotCommerce

📚 Learn how to create a Telegram bot account and connect it with BotCommerce to enhance your chatbot capabilities.

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Create a Telegram Bot:

  • Open your Telegram app and search for BotFather
  • Click on the verified BotFather account to start a conversation.

    • Click on the Start button to initiate the process with BotFather.
    • Type /newbot and send it to BotFather.
    • Follow the prompts to create your bot:
      • Provide a name for your bot when prompted.
      • Provide a unique username for your bot that must end with “bot” (e.g., MyAwesomeBot).

Receive Access Token:

  • Once your bot is created, BotFather will provide a link to your bot and an access token. This token is essential for connecting your bot to BotCommerce.

Connect the Bot to BotCommerce:

  • Open BotCommerce and navigate to the Connect Bot section from the left navigation menu.

    • Copy the access token provided by BotFather and paste it into the required field in BotCommerce.
    • Click on the Connect button to link your Telegram bot with BotCommerce.

Verify Connection:

  • Go to your newly created Telegram bot account and click on the Start button to initiate a conversation.

    • BotCommerce should now be connected, and you will see a default reply set by BotCommerce.

Customize Bot Replies:

  • Go to the Bot Manager in BotCommerce and then navigate to Action Buttons.

  • Click on the Get Started button to open the Visual Flow Builder.
  • Edit the text reply as needed.

      • Add more replies by dragging elements from the dock menu and connecting them to the previous replies. For example, you can add an image reply after the text reply.

Test the Bot:

    • Return to your Telegram bot and click on the Start button.
    • Verify that the replies you configured in BotCommerce are working correctly.

This tutorial covers the basics of creating a Telegram bot and connecting it to BotCommerce. We will create more videos to demonstrate how to use BotCommerce for managing your Telegram bot more effectively.