🟩 How to Create a Keyword-Based WhatsApp Chatbot Using BotCommerce

📚 Learn how to create a keyword-triggered WhatsApp chatbot using BotCommerce, enabling automated interactions based on user inputs.

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You will learn how to create a keyword-based WhatsApp chatbog using BotCommerce by following the next steps:


Access the Bot Manager: #

    • Log into your BotCommerce dashboard.
    • Navigate to the “Bot Manager” menu.
    • Select the bot account for which you want to create the WhatsApp chatbot.

Create a New Bot Reply: #

    • Click on “Bot Reply” under the selected bot account.
    • Click on the “Create” button to open the Visual Flow Bot Builder Canvas.


Name Your Bot: #

    • Double-click on the “Start Bot Flow” component.
    • In the configure reference modal, enter a name in the title field and optionally choose a level and sequence.
    • Click “OK” to save.


Add a Trigger: #

    • From the document menu on the left, select and drag the “Trigger” component onto the canvas.
    • Double-click on the trigger to open the configure trigger modal.

    • Enter keywords such as “hello,” “hi,” or “start” to initiate the conversation.

    • Click “OK” to save.

Connect the Trigger to the Bot Flow: #

    • Drag the cursor from the trigger output socket to the reference input trigger socket of the start bot flow.
    • This successfully links the trigger to your bot flow.

Add an Interactive Component: #

    • From the next socket of the start bot flow, drag and drop an interactive component onto the canvas.
    • Double-click on it to open the configure text message modal.
    • Fill in the message header, body, and footer as needed. You can set a delay time for replies.
    • Click “OK” to save.


Create Inline Buttons: #

    • From the interactive component’s buttons socket, drag and drop the inline button component onto the canvas.

    • Double-click to configure it, entering a name in the button text field and selecting “New Post Back” as the button type.
    • Click “OK” to save.
    • Repeat to create and configure additional inline buttons.


Configure Post Back Components: #

    • Double-click on each new post back component to configure it.
    • Enter a title and click “OK” to save.
    • From the next socket of the new post back, select any component such as text, audio, video, or condition, and configure it similarly.


Add a User Input Flow: #

    • Add a user input flow component connected to your post backs.
    • Double-click to open the modal form, select “Add New Input Flow,” and name the campaign.
    • Click “OK” to save and configure the new question component.
    • Select question types (free keyboard input or multiple choice), configure them, and save.

Finalize and Save the Bot: #

    • Add a final message using the text component for the customer’s response.

    • Configure and save all components carefully.
    • Click the “Save” button at the top right of the canvas to save your bot.


Test Your Bot: #

    • Go to WhatsApp and test the bot by sending the configured keyword.
    • Verify that the bot replies correctly based on the keyword triggers.

By following these steps, you can successfully create a keyword-based WhatsApp chatbot using BotCommerce, enhancing customer interactions with automated responses.