📲 How to Configure the Start Bot Flow for WhatsApp

📚 This guide provides detailed instructions for initiating the bot flow within the Editor section, highlighting the process of configuring the crucial “Start Bot Flow” component.

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Table of contents

This component lays the groundwork for your bot’s functionality, with an emphasis on keyword triggering, matching types, and various additional settings to refine your bot’s interactions.

  • Navigate to the Bot Manager: Access the Bot Manager from the dashboard’s left side menu and proceed to the ‘Bot Reply’ option.

Creation Process:

    • Locate and click on the ‘Create’ button in the upper right-hand corner, ensuring the ‘Bot Reply’ option is selected.

Configuring the Start Bot Flow:

    • Keyword Triggering: Double-click on the ‘Start Bot Flow’ component to configure it. Input a list of comma-separated keywords in the first field of the opened ‘Configure Reference’. These keywords, when matched by user input in the messaging window, trigger the bot.
    • Matching Type: Select your desired matching type — ‘Exact Keyboard Match’ (default) for exact keyword matches or ‘String Match’ for partial keyword matches.
    • Title: Assign a name to your bot in the ‘Title’ field.

Advanced Configuration #

    • Add Labels: Categorize your audience for targeted messaging by adding labels related to demographics, interests, or purchase history.
    • Remove Labels: Remove labels from users as necessary.
    • Subscribe/Unsubscribe to/from Sequence: Manage automated message sequences for subscribers for purposes such as onboarding, promoting products, or re-engagement.
    • Assign Conversations: Allocate conversations to specific groups or individual team members within your organization for personalized handling.
    • Send Data to Webhook URL: Incorporate a webhook URL to forward bot data to a specified endpoint, facilitating data integration and process automation.
    • Webhook Integration: Utilize webhook integration to connect your bot with external systems or services, enhancing your chatbot’s functionality through automatic data exchange.

Saving Changes: After configuring the settings as per your requirements, click ‘Save’ to apply the changes or ‘Cancel’ to abort the configuration process.

Continuing Bot Flow

    • After setting up the ‘Start Bot Flow’, you’ll see sockets like ‘Compose Next Message’. These sockets enable the addition and configuration of various components to continue the bot flow.

Adding Components to the Chatbot:

  • Without Dragging: Add components directly from the sockets of any existing component by dragging the cursor and selecting from the displayed menu.
  • Component Selection and Cancellation: Choose your desired component from the menu that appears or click ‘Cancel’ to dismiss the menu without adding a component.

This approach allows for a flexible and efficient method of expanding your bot’s capabilities and interaction flow.