🔷 How to Configure ‘Start Bot Flow’ in the Visual Flow Builder for Telegram

📚 By configuring this component correctly, you can ensure your bot responds appropriately to user input, enhancing user engagement and streamlining communication processes.

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Access the Bot Manager #

  • Navigate to the “Bot Manager” from your dashboard.

Initiate Bot Reply Setup #

  • Select your bot, click on “Bot Reply,” and then hit “Create” to start configuring your bot flow.

Configuring “Start Bot Flow” #

  • Double-click on “Start Bot Flow” within the Editor to open the configuration sidebar.
  • Keyword Triggering: Enter comma-separated keywords that, when matched by user input, will activate the bot.

  • Matching Type: Choose between “Exact Keyboard Match” (default) and “String Match” to define how precisely the user input should match the keywords.
  • Title: Provide a meaningful title for your bot flow.

Enhancing Bot Interaction #

  • Add Labels: Categorize your audience for targeted messaging by clicking “+ New” to create new labels.
  • Subscribe/Unsubscribe to/from Sequences: Manage automated message sequences for engaging users over time.
  • Assign Conversations: Direct conversations to specific groups or team members for personalized handling.
  • Webhook Integration: Use the “Webhook” option to link your bot to external services for data transmission and enhanced functionality.

Save Your Configuration #

  • Click the “Save” button to apply your settings or “Cancel” to exit without saving.

Advanced Setup for “Compose Next Message” #

1. Adding Components:

  • Use the “Compose Next Message” socket to add various reply components such as text, images, audio, video, or files.
  • Text Component Usage: Enter your reply message and set a “Delay in reply” if needed to simulate conversational pacing.

2. Simplifying Component Addition:

Directly dragging from a component’s output socket onto the editor can automatically link new components, such as buttons, to the parent component.

Note: The Button component is not directly accessible from the Top-menu but can be integrated into your bot flow through the methods described above.