🟩 How to Broadcast to an Imported WhatsApp Contact List from BotCommerce

📚 Learn how to manually import your WhatsApp subscriber list and send broadcast messages to your important subscribers using BotCommerce.

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Access Subscriber Manager #

  • Go to your BotCommerce dashboard.
  • Navigate to Subscriber Manager.

  • Click on options and select “Import subscribers” from the dropdown menu.


Prepare Your CSV File #

  • Click on “Sample CSV” to download a sample file for proper formatting.

  • Open the downloaded file and organize your data. Ensure phone numbers are in regular format, not scientific format.

  • Change the cell format to numbers with zero decimal places to maintain proper phone number format.

  • Input phone numbers with your country code (e.g., 880 for Bangladesh) but without the plus sign.


Import Subscribers: #

  • Save your file in CSV format.
  • Return to BotCommerce and upload your CSV file.

  • Verify that all subscriber information is correctly uploaded.


Assign Labels and Bots: #

  • Assign labels to your imported subscribers.

  • Select a bot to associate with these subscribers.

  • Click on “Confirm” to complete the import process.


Create a Broadcast Message: #

    • Go back to the BotCommerce dashboard.
  • Select “Broadcasting” from the WhatsApp section and click on “Create New Broadcast”.

    • Use the Visual Flow Builder to create your broadcast message.
    • Provide a name for your campaign.

Configure Broadcast Settings: #

  • Toggle between “24 hours” and “Anytime” to select your target subscribers.

      • Select a message template for your broadcast.
      • Input variable data for personalization (e.g., product name, sale name, sale percentage).

Schedule the Broadcast: #

  • If you want to send the message later, toggle the “Send Later” button.

  • Set the desired date, time, and timezone for the broadcast.
  • Save your workflow.

Check Broadcast Status
: #

  • Return to the broadcasting section on the dashboard.

    • Check the status of your broadcast to ensure it is scheduled correctly.

By following these steps, you can efficiently import a WhatsApp contact list and send broadcast messages using BotCommerce.