🔄 How to Automate Telegram Group Management with BotCommerce

📚 Learn how to automate Telegram group management using BotCommerce to efficiently handle member activities, message filtering, and automated responses.

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Integrate Telegram Bot with Group #


  • Create a Telegram group and a bot.
  • Add the bot to the group and assign necessary permissions.

Group Activity Monitoring #

  • View group activities such as member joins, mutes, bans, and total messages.
  • Filter data based on activity type and timeframe (e.g., last 30 days).


Manage Group Members #

  • View a list of all group members and their activities.
  • Mute subscribers for a specified duration.

  • Ban members and manage their status (e.g., admin, member).


Message Filtering #

  • Set filters to remove messages containing bot commands, images, voice recordings, headers, documents, stickers, and links.

  •  Automatically delete messages from specific members or those containing certain keywords.
  • Apply these filters to both regular members and admins (for testing purposes).

Service Messages #

  • Delete system messages about users joining or leaving the group.
  • Set restrictions for new members upon joining the group.



Save and Apply Settings: #

  • Save all the configured settings for the group.


Test Automation: #

  • Check the demo group to ensure that the filters and restrictions are working correctly.
  • Verify that messages containing restricted content (e.g., links) are automatically deleted.


Send Scheduled Messages #

  • Schedule campaigns and announcements.
  • Enable options such as no copying/forwarding and sound alerts.
  • Set messages to be automatically deleted after a specified duration.


Live Chat Management: #

  • Manage group live chat messages.
  • Send messages from different apps and platforms.
  • Send emails if needed.

By following these steps, you can efficiently manage your Telegram group automatically using BotCommerce. If you encounter any issues, please contact us for assistance.