🧍 How to add new users to your platform

📚 In this article, you will learn how to add new users to your platform and configure their plans.

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New users can enroll by themselves to your platform, or you can add them manually. To do the latter, follow these steps.

1. First, go to the ‘Users’ option.

Then, click on ‘List Users’ and go to the plus sign located at the top right corner.

3. You will see the following screen with fields 1 through 8; these are mandatory. You must fill each one for the new user. If it’s an active user, make sure to select ‘Active’ under ‘Status’.

4. Then, scroll down to the bottom of the page where you can choose the type of plan the user will have, set the plan’s expiration date, and select the timezone (it’s crucial to define this accurately). Finally, just click on ‘Save’, and the user will be created.

5. The page will reload, and you will see the list of active users you have. If you want to modify, reset the number of WhatsApp messages, or delete a user, you just need to click on the blue menu located on the right.

Have you got any additional doubts, feel free to contact our Support Team. We will be glad to help you.