🟢 How to add AI in Botcommerce

📚 Connecting an AI to respond to your chats can help you save time and optimize your activities. Here are the necessary steps

💡 PRO TIP: Click here to hire an expert to guide you in the step by step. Book a call now to learn all the tips and tricks for training your AI, or let us handle it all for you instead.

Before you begin, ensure you have a trained AI model. If you don’t know how to train it, you can refer to the tutorial – How to Connect an AI to Answer Your Chats on WhatsApp – or hire an expert to do it for you.

This tutorial will show you how to set up the “No Match” template in your WhatsApp bot. This template is crucial for responding to customer messages that don’t contain specific keywords recognized by the bot.

Steps to Configure the “No Match” Template:

Log in to your WhatsApp bot management account.

Navigate to the “WhatsApp” option located in the menu on the left side of the screen.

Select “Chatbot” from the list of options that appears.

Find the account you want to configure with the bot.

Click on “Add new item” to add a new configuration item.

Enable the Bot’s Status

Select “Enable as status” to activate the bot’s status.

Indicate if the bot is designed for individual chats, groups, or both. This will adjust the bot’s behavior according to the type of conversation.

In the “Type” section, select “Yes, this is a No Match response” to specify that this configuration is for responses when a keyword is not recognized.

Enter a name to define this instruction.

Add a detailed description to clarify the purpose of this configuration.

Although not necessary for the “No Match” purpose, you can add keywords if you find it useful for future configurations.

Scroll down to the text box called “Next Bot Action”.

Enter the message that should be sent as the “No Match Answer”, for example: “You can contact the support team or wait for a human agent”.

Optionally, you can add an image to accompany the message.