📊 How to Add a New Lead in PerfectCRM

📚 In this tutorial, you will learn how to add a new lead in PerfectCRM. We’ll guide you through the steps to enter prospect details, update their status, and manage additional information such as profiles, proposals, tasks, and more.

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In PerfectCRM, the Leads section is used to manage and convert prospects into customers. Here are its main functions:

In the main dashboard of PerfectCRM, navigate to the Leads section.

Within the Leads section, click on the New Lead button.

Enter the details for your new potential customer.

Specify the lead’s status, which can be New, Contacted, Qualified, etc.

Click on
Save to add the new lead to your database.

After saving the lead, a new window will open where you can add more details, including: Profile, Proposals, Tasks, Attachments, Reminders, Notes and Activity Log.

And that’s it! Now you know how to add and manage your new potential customers in PerfectCRM.