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Blank screen when accessing the admin area #

Check if the browser console has error (on Chrome you can open it from Settings > More tools > Developer tools > Console).

Blocking zoom on iOS devices #

When using the chat on iPhones the textarea is automatically zoomed when the user’s start typing a new message. To stop the zoom Enter the code below into the <head> area of all the pages that include the chat.

<meta name=”viewport” content=”width=device-width, initial-scale=1, maximum-scale=1.0, user-scalable=no” />

Chat widget not displaying #

The chat may not be showing due to the following reasons.

  • You may not see the chat because you have disabled it in the settings area. To fix this, visit the settings section and deselect all options related to that: Chat > Manual initializationChat > Login initializationChat > Hide chat outside of office hoursWordPress > Manual initialization.
  • Try disabling any performance plugins or techniques like cache or JS minification on your website as they might be causing problems. Once disabled, check again.
  • Try disabling any CDN or Proxy (e.g. CloudFlare). Once disabled, check again.

Conversations are not visible to administrators or agents #

The conversations may not be showing due to the following reasons.

  • The agent has been given a department, yet the conversations have not been assigned to that specific department.
  • One or more of the following settings have been activated: Miscellaneous > RoutingMiscellaneous > QueueMiscellaneous > Hide conversations of other agents
  • You are using the WordPress version and the setting WordPress > Multisite routing has been activated.
  • You are using the chatbot and the setting Artificial Intelligence > Human takeover has been activated.

For cases 1, 2, and 3, make sure to log in with the correct admin/agent or check your admin/agent profile to ensure that there are no departments assigned. In case 4, please check the archived conversations.