⚙️ Email Piping: Enable and Manage Email-Based Replies

šŸ“š Learn how to activate and configure email piping in OmniChat, enabling you and your agents to manage conversations via email. This tutorial covers setup, email handling, and best practices for effective integration.

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Welcome to our guide on setting up email piping in OmniChat! Email piping allows you, your agents, and users to reply to chat messages via email, enhancing your communication flexibility.

Email piping lets you, your agents, and your users reply to chat messages via email.


To activate the email piping go toĀ Settings > Notifications > Email pipingĀ and enter your POP3/IMAP email server information, then set the email address to use for the email piping inĀ Settings > Notifications > SMTPĀ and you’re done! The email address must be the one to which the email piping server connects to. OmniChat will send all emails from this email address and you, your agents, and your users will reply to this email address.


  • The email address ofĀ Settings > Notifications > SMTP > Sender emailĀ must match the one used by the email piping server.
  • The settingĀ Notifications > User email notificationsĀ must be enabled to send replies to the user email.

  • If you’re using the Artificial Intelligence app, and the settingsĀ Settings > Artificial Intelligence > Human takeoverĀ is active, no emails are sent if the chatbot knows the answer.

  • If the settingĀ Convert all emailsĀ is active, all emails sent to your inbox will be converted to chat messages, mind that all emails, including spam, promotional emails and more would be wrongly converted too.
  • If the settingĀ convert all emailsĀ is active, email sent by email addresses of agents and admins will be ignored, use another email address for testing.
  • If the settingĀ convert all emailsĀ is active, each email sent directly to the email piping address will generate a new user conversation.
  • You can not use the same email address used for the email piping to reply. All your OmniChat agents and admins must use a different email address.
  • Agents must reply via email from the same email address registered in OmniChat.
  • When agents reply in OmniChat, emails are always sent to the user, even if user email notifications are disabled.
  • The email is sent to the Agents only if they are offline. If they are online no emails are sent.
  • For Google Gmail and Google Workspace emails, you need to replace your Google password with a Google app password, details onĀ https://support.google.com/accounts/answer/185833Ā (Create & use App Passwords section). EnterĀ imap.gmail.comĀ as host andĀ 993Ā as port.
  • TheĀ DelimiterĀ option add a text at the top of all emails:
    ### Please type your reply above this line ###

    . This text tells OmniChat to delete all the content below it and it’s usefult to cut out all of the reply quotes. Activate it if you see duplicated messages in the chat. If this option is active, you and your users can not use the stringĀ ###Ā in the emails.

  • Email attachments are supported.
  • In order for email piping to work, email replies must contain the OmniChat recipient’s name. Ex.Ā OmniChat | SB2457-4734 <example@email.com>. All major email clients like Outlook Web, Outlook, Gmail, Yahoo Mail, support the recipient’s name by default via chatbot reply or reply all buttons.
  • Because of the nature of how emails work, each email client uses their personal codes, delimiters, and automatic strings, and more. For this reason, some chat messages converted from emails can contain invalid texts. We are working to optimize as many email clients as possible, for now, the following email clients are optimized and should not return any invalid text: Outlook Web, Outlook, Gmail, Yahoo Mail.
  • Email piping supportsĀ departments, if the user’s conversation is assigned to a department, the email notifications are sent only to the agents assigned to that department.
  • If the email includes theĀ reply-toĀ attribute, it will serve as the primary user email address and notifications will be sent to that email.

Cron job

  • OmniChat tries to process emails via cron jobs every 60 seconds, detailsĀ here.
  • You can manually trigger execution and speed up cron jobs via API with the PHP functionĀ sb_email_piping(), or the WEB API functionĀ email-piping.
  • You can create a cron job that runs the URLĀ https://omnichat.planifyx.com/script/include/api.php?piping=true&cloud=API-TOKENĀ and replaceĀ API-TOKENĀ with your own API Token which can be found atĀ https://omnichat.planifyx.com/account/?tab=installation.

💡 PRO TIP:Before clicking the link, make sure you have an account created, an active subscription, and that you are logged in on this same browser so that it opens directly in the app; otherwise, it will take you to the home screen.

  • You can also use this cron job file:Ā download. The cron job command isĀ php -f YOUR-FILE-PATH/cron.php.
  • If you manually run the cron job, check the settingĀ Disable cron jobĀ to stop OmniChat from manually triggering it and to improve performance.

If you have additional doubts, remember that you can always contact us.