We have developed the advanced tracking mode for people who want more in-depth analytics and want to discover more about their visitors behavior.
- Visitor history
- Heatmaps & session replays ready
- More available tracking statistics
- Associate custom parameters with visitors
- Needs tracking consent
- Needs more data to be sent, depending on what modules are activated.
Let’s review each one of its components.
First of all, you need to understand the concept of a goal. A goal is something that you want to track that the already existing analytics are not tracking—anything from a button click, downloads, specific page view, thank-you page after a checkout…
Pageview Goals
The pageview goal is the easiest to set up and the conversion of the goal will happen once a visitor reaches a certain specified page. A good example would be when you have a ‘thank you’ page where the user will land after the conversion happened.
Custom Goals
Custom goals will require some extra code implemented to the tracked website, which is specified when you create a new goal from the dashboard. A custom goal is mainly used for when you want to track a specific event that happens on your website, which can’t be tracked with the pageview method. Some examples of custom goals include:
- Tracking clicks on external links
- Tracking more advanced form submissions
- Tracking clicks on specific parts of your pages
Here is what a javascript snippet would look like for goal tracking: analytics.goal(‘my-goal’). When this code triggers inside of your page, the goal conversion will be triggered as well on our side. To do it, follow these steps:
1.- Go to the “Goals” option and click on “Create.”
2.- Choose the type of tracking and add the page you want to track (Pageview or Custom Event).
3.- If you chose the Custom Event option, you will need to add a name, and the system will generate a code that you should add to your website.
Do Not Track
Yes, we do honor the Do Not Track (DNT) setting from browsers which support this. Do Not Track is a setting from your browser that, after you enable it, will tell the sites that you visit that you do not want to be tracked. Unfortunately, it is not very well supported by browsers as of yet but if we receive this header setting from your browser, we are honoring it!
What if you want to track everyone and skip the DNT setting? It is possible to do that as well if you are a website owner. To ignore the DNT and to also track those visitors, simply add data-ignore-dnt=”true” like in the following example:
<script defer src=”https://siteanalytics.planifyx.com/pixel/12345678910111213″ data-ignore-dnt=”true”></script>